Change background colour to see if colour can help you

An Irlen Syndrome Screening will test for the symptoms of Irlen Syndrome and involves visually intensive tasks based around black print on white paper, to determine if the client suffers from print distortions, if glare is the main issue or both. To determine if colour is going to help reduce these symptoms the Certified Irlen Screener will assist the client to choose some coloured overlays that they feel might be making a difference to how the print looks and how the white paper makes them feel. 

It is really important that once the preferred coloured overlays are selected, that they are used to determine if they actually help the reading, including comprehension as well as comfort and reduced eye strain.

The overlays are simply removing some of the wavelengths of light that are causing the distortions, and therefore help with word recognition, increased fluency and reading comfort. It is like someone needing reading glasses, trying to read without them and then putting them on. The effect is immediate.

After the Irlen Symptom Screening, children will often go from being extremely slow and inaccurate with their reading to then being able to read fluently, accurately and even including expression in their voices. They will be immediately more focussed, more settled and stop fidgeting as they relax and their brain calms. 

Adults who are already able to read with find immediate relief from the discomfort of the glare from white paper, find they do not need to “work” as hard in order to read or keep their place. They also find that instead of having to re-read in order to remember and understand what they are reading, they only need to read the passage once. 

The overlays are only the first step in assisting the client with their Irlen Syndrome Symptoms. 

After the Irlen Syndrome Screening, the second phase is to return for a further assessment which is much more in depth to be provided with some coloured filters to be worn as glasses which are more specific to each individual clients needs. Once the client has their Irlen glasses they will not need to use the coloured Irlen Overlay.

Irlen Syndrome Screening