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Certified Irlen Screeners And Diagnosticians

Irlen Screeners and Diagnosticians are trained and certified through the Irlen Institute in California, USA.

Contact details for Irlen Screeners and Diagnosticians in the Newcastle, Central Coast and Hunter Valley regions of NSW is listed below. You can also go to the AAIC website to find other Irlen Clinics in Australia, New Zealand and Asia.


Newcastle and Hunter Area

Belinda Watts  B.A. Dip.Ed.

Mobile:  0408402651

Elissa Miller-Crispe B.A., B.Teach (Secondary)

Phone:  (02) 49696699


Jillian Steuart

Newcastle area


Kaitlin Bzadough

Port Stephens area

Phone: 0402 071 809

Nicolette Fredsall

Maitland area

Phone: 0410573183



Central Coast Area

Robin Balcomb

Central Coast NSW 
Mobile: 0402939480

Victoria Lee

Central Coast NSW

Phone: 0400 844 353

Leonie Mahon

Niagara Park area

Phone:0423 922 251 

Louise Seal

Swansea, Lake Macquarie, Morisset, Central Coast

Phone: (02) 4971 4099

Simon Coutts-Bain

Ourimbah area

Phone:  0411218425

Catherine McNally

Central Coast NSW

Phone: 0414652867

Emily Ford

Umina area

PHone: 0421271135



Northern NSW Coast

Nicole Bosci

Qual OT Hand Therapy

Port Macquarie

Phone: 0437839094

Robyn Veugen

Toormina area

Phone:  0409267362

Leonie Jackson

Coffs Harbour area

Phone:  0412792411

 Vanessa Hardy

South Kempsey NSW

Mobile: 0438421070


Joan Brien

Regional Director

Newcastle Clinic

Julie Matthews

Clinic Director

Newcastle Clinic

Belinda Watts


Newcastle Clinic

Irlen Clinics associated with Newcastle

Taree and Districts

Taree Dyslexia Centre

Jenni Mullen

Diagnostician and Clinic Director

3 Alban Street
Taree NSW

Mobile: 0409 653 700

Coffs Harbour and Districts

Clear Solutions Psychological Services

Helen Gibson

Diagnostician and Clinic Director

Phone:  (02) 66529181


Dubbo and Central West NSW

Contact Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Newcastle

Phone: (02) 49556904